EmailHeaderTypeEmail Message Object Schema

The EmailHeaderType captures a representation of a standard email header.


Field Name Type Description
Received_Lines0..1 EmailReceivedLineListType

The Received_Lines field specifies one or more 'Received' lines that may be included in the email header.

To0..1 EmailRecipientsType

The To field specifies the email addresses of the recipients of the email message.

CC0..1 EmailRecipientsType

The CC field specifies the email addresses of any recipients that were included in the carbon copy header of the email message.

BCC0..1 EmailRecipientsType

The BCC field specifies the email addresses of any recipients that were included in the blind carbon copy header of the email message.

From0..1 AddressObjectType

The From field specifies the email address of the sender of the email message.

Subject0..1 StringObjectPropertyType

The Subject field specifies the subject (a brief summary of the message topic) of the email message.

In_Reply_To0..1 StringObjectPropertyType

The In_Reply_To field specifies the message ID of the message that this email is a reply to.

Date0..1 DateTimeObjectPropertyType

The Date field specifies the date/time that the email message was sent.

Message_ID0..1 StringObjectPropertyType

The Message_ID field specifies the automatically generated ID of the email message.

Sender0..1 AddressObjectType

The Sender field specifies the email address of the sender who is acting on behalf of the author listed in the From: field.

Reply_To0..1 AddressObjectType

The Reply_To field specifies the email address that should be used when replying to the email message.

Errors_To0..1 StringObjectPropertyType

The Errors_To field specifies the entry in the (deprecated) errors_to header of the email message.

Boundary0..1 StringObjectPropertyType

The Boundary field specifies a boundary tag that may be included in a MIME multipart message. This boundary tag is used to indicate the parts of a multipart message.

Content_Type0..1 StringObjectPropertyType

The Content-Type field specifies the internet media, or MIME, type of the email message content.

MIME_Version0..1 StringObjectPropertyType

The MIME-Version field specifies the version of the MIME formatting used in the email message.

Precedence0..1 StringObjectPropertyType

The Precedence field specifies the (non-standard) priority value of the message, which can influence transmission speed and delivery. Use of this field is typically discouraged, as per IETF RFC2076 (

User_Agent0..1 StringObjectPropertyType

The User-Agent field specifies the identity of the email user agent software that may have been used to send the email message.

X_Mailer0..1 StringObjectPropertyType

The X-Mailer field specifies the software used to send the email message. This field is non-standard.

X_Originating_IP0..1 AddressObjectType

The X-Originating-IP field specifies the originating IP Address of the email sender, in terms of their connection to the mail server used to send the email message. This field is non-standard.

X_Priority0..1 PositiveIntegerObjectPropertyType

The X-Priority field specifies the numerical priority of the email message. This is a non-standard field, but typically a value of '1' is considered the highest priority, '3' is normal, and '5' is the lowest priority.