The IntegerObjectPropertyType is a type (extended from BaseObjectPropertyType) representing the specification of a single Object property whose core value is of type Int. This type will be assigned to any property of a CybOX object that should contain content of type Integer and enables the use of relevant metadata for the property.
Properties that use this type can express multiple values by providing them using a comma separated list. As such, a comma is a reserved character in all uses of this type. Commas in values should be expressed as , (that is, ampersand-"comma"-semicolon). Such expressions should be converted back to a comma before displaying to users or handing off values to tools for processing. Note that whitespace is preserved and so, when specifying a list of values, do not include a space following a comma in a list unless the first character of the next list item should, in fact, be a space.
Field Name | Type | Description |
@idoptional | QName |
The id field specifies a unique ID for this Object Property. |
@idrefoptional | QName |
The idref field specifies a unique ID reference for this Object Property. |
@datatypeoptional | DatatypeEnum |
This attribute is optional and specifies the expected type for the value of the specified property. |
@appears_randomoptional | boolean |
This field is optional and conveys whether the associated object property value appears to somewhat random in nature. An object property with this field set to TRUE need not provide any further information including a value. If more is known about the particular variation of randomness, a regex value could be provided to outline what is known of the structure. |
@is_obfuscatedoptional | boolean |
This field is optional and conveys whether the associated Object property has been obfuscated. |
@obfuscation_algorithm_refoptional | anyURI |
This field is optional and conveys a reference to a description of the algorithm used to obfuscate this Object property. |
@is_defangedoptional | boolean |
This field is optional and conveys whether the associated Object property has been defanged (representation changed to prevent malicious effects of handling/processing). |
@defanging_algorithm_refoptional | anyURI |
This field is optional and conveys a reference to a description of the algorithm used to defang (representation changed to prevent malicious effects of handling/processing) this Object property. |
@refanging_transform_typeoptional | string |
This field is optional and specifies the type (e.g. RegEx) of refanging transform specified in the optional accompanying refangingTransform property. |
@refanging_transformoptional | string |
This field is optional and specifies an automated transform that can be applied to the Object property content in order to refang it to its original format. |
@conditionoptional | ConditionTypeEnum |
This field is optional and defines the relevant condition to apply to the value. |
@apply_conditionoptional | ConditionApplicationEnum |
This field indicates how a condition should be applied when the field body contains a list of values. (Its value is moot if the field value contains only a single value - both possible values for this field would have the same behavior.) If this field is set to ANY, then a pattern is considered to be matched if the provided condition successfully evaluates for any of the values in the field body. If the field is set to ALL, then the patern only matches if the provided condition successfully evaluates for every value in the field body. |
@bit_maskoptional | hexBinary |
Used to specify a bit_mask in conjunction with one of the defined binary conditions (bitwiseAnd, bitwiseOr, and bitwiseXor). This bitmask is then uses as one operand in the indicated bitwise computation. |
@pattern_typeoptional | PatternTypeEnum |
This field is optional and defines the type of pattern used if one is specified for the field value. This is applicable only if the Condition field is set to 'FitsPattern'. |
@regex_syntaxoptional | string |
This field is optional and defines the syntax format used for a regular expression, if one is specified for the field value. This is applicable only if the Condition field is set to 'FitsPattern'.
Setting this attribute with an empty value (e.g., "") or omitting it entirely notifies CybOX consumers and pattern evaluators that the corresponding regular expression utilizes capabilities, character classes, escapes, and other lexical tokens defined by the CybOX Language Specification.
Setting this attribute with a non-empty value notifies CybOX consumers and pattern evaluators that the corresponding regular expression utilizes capabilities not definied by the CybOX Language Specification. The regular expression must be evaluated through a compatible regular expression engine in this case.
@has_changedoptional | boolean |
This field is optional and conveys a targeted observation pattern of whether the associated field value has changed. This field would be leveraged within a pattern observable triggering on whether the value of a single field value has changed. |
@trendoptional | boolean |
This field is optional and conveys a targeted observation pattern of the nature of any trend in the associated field value. This field would be leveraged within a pattern observable triggering on the matching of a specified trend in the value of a single specified field. |