The IdentityType is used to express identity information for both individuals and organizations.
This type is extended through the xsi:type mechanism. The default type is CIQIdentity3.0InstanceType in the namespace. This type is defined in the extensions/identity/ciq_identity_3.0.xsd file or at the URL
Those who wish to express a simple name may also do so by not specifying an xsi:type and using the Name field of this type.
Field Name | Type | Description |
@idoptional | QName |
Specifies a unique ID for this Identity. |
@idrefoptional | QName |
Specifies a reference to a unique ID defined elsewhere. |
Name0..1 | string |
The Name field allows for expression of an identity through a simple name. |
Related_Identities0..1 | RelatedIdentitiesType |
The Related_Identities field identifies other entity Identities related to this entity Identity. |