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TestMechanismTypeIndicator Schema

The TestMechanismType specifies a non-standard Test Mechanism effective at identifying the cyber Observables specified in this cyber threat Indicator.

This type is defined as abstract and is intended to be extended to enable the expression of any structured or unstructured test mechanism. STIX provides five default options, Generic, OpenIOC, OVAL, Snort, and YARA. Additionally, those who wish to use another format may do so by using either the existing Generic test mechanism and putting the mechanism specification in the CDATA block or by defining a new extension to this type. The information for the STIX-provided extensions is:

1. Generic: The Generic test mechanism allows for the specification of any generic test mechanism through the use of a raw CDATA section. The type is named GenericTestMechanismType and is in the http://stix.mitre.org/extensions/TestMechanism#Generic-1 namespace. The extension is defined in the file extensions/test_mechanism/generic.xsd or at the URL http://stix.mitre.org/XMLSchema/extensions/test_mechanism/generic/1.0/generic.xsd.

2. OpenIOC: The OpenIOC test mechanism allows for the specification of an OpenIOC test by importing the OpenIOC schema. The type is named IOCTestMechanismType and is in the http://stix.mitre.org/extensions/TestMechanism#OpenIOC-1 namespace. The extension is defined in the file extensions/test_mechanism/openioc-1.0.xsd or at the URL http://stix.mitre.org/XMLSchema/extensions/test_mechanism/openioc-1.0/1.0/openioc-1.0.xsd.

3. OVAL: The OVAL test mechanism allows for the specification of an OVAL definition through importing the OVAL schemas. The type is named OVALTestMechanismType and is in the http://stix.mitre.org/extensions/TestMechanism#OVAL-1 namespace. The extension is defined in the file extensions/test_mechanism/oval-5.10.1.xsd or at the URL http://stix.mitre.org/XMLSchema/extensions/test_mechanism/oval-5.10.1/1.0/oval-5.10.1.xsd.

4. Snort: The Snort test mechanism allows for the specification of a snort signature through the use of a raw CDATA section. The type is named SnortTestMechanismType and is in the http://stix.mitre.org/extensions/TestMechanism#Snort-1 namespace. The extension is defined in the file extensions/test_mechanism/snort.xsd or at the URL http://stix.mitre.org/XMLSchema/extensions/test_mechanism/snort/1.0/snort.xsd.

5. YARA: The YARA test mechanism allows for the specification of a YARA test through the use of a raw CDATA section. The type is named YaraTestMechanismType and is in the http://stix.mitre.org/extensions/TestMechanism#YARA-1 namespace. The extension is defined in the file extensions/test_mechanism/yara.xsd or at the URL http://stix.mitre.org/XMLSchema/extensions/test_mechanism/yara/1.0/yara.xsd.


Field Name Type Description
@idoptional QName

Specifies a unique ID for this Test Mechanism.

@idrefoptional QName

Specifies a reference to the ID of a Test Mechanism specified elsewhere.

Efficacy0..1 StatementType

The Efficacy field provides an assertion of likely effectiveness of this TestMechanism to detect the targeted cyber Observables. The field includes a description of the asserted efficacy of this TestMechanism and a confidence held in the asserted efficacy of this TestMechanism to detect the targeted cyber Observables.

Producer0..1 InformationSourceType

The Producer field details the source of this entry.