StartupInfoTypeWin Process Object Schema

The StartupInfoType type encapsulates the information contained in the STARTUPINFO struct for the process.


Field Name Type Description
lpDesktop0..1 StringObjectPropertyType

The lpDesktop field specifies the name of the desktop, or the name of both the desktop and window station for this process.

lpTitle0..1 StringObjectPropertyType

The lpTitle field specifies the title displayed in the title bar if a new console window is created.

dwX0..1 IntegerObjectPropertyType

The dwX field specifies the x offset of the upper left corner of a window if a new window is created, in pixels.

dwY0..1 IntegerObjectPropertyType

The dwY field specifies the y offset of the upper left corner of a window if a new window is created, in pixels.

dwXSize0..1 PositiveIntegerObjectPropertyType

The dwXSize field specifies the width of the window if a new window is created, in pixels.

dwYSize0..1 PositiveIntegerObjectPropertyType

The dwYSize field specifies the height of the window if a new window is created, in pixels.

dwXCountChars0..1 PositiveIntegerObjectPropertyType

The dwXCountChars field specifies the screen buffer width, in character columns.

dwYCountChars0..1 PositiveIntegerObjectPropertyType

The dwYCountChars field specifies the screen buffer height, in character rows.

dwFillAttribute0..1 IntegerObjectPropertyType

The dwFillAttribute field specifies the initial text and background colors if a new console window is created in a console application.

dwFlags0..1 IntegerObjectPropertyType

The dwFlags field specifies a bitfield that determines whether certain STARTUPINFO members are used when the process creates a window.

wShowWindow0..1 IntegerObjectPropertyType

The wShowWindow field specifies STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW, this member can be any of the values that can be specified in the nCmdShow parameter for the ShowWindow function, except for SW_SHOWDEFAULT.

hStdInput0..1 WindowsHandleObjectType

The hStdInput field specifies the standard input handle for the process.

hStdOutput0..1 WindowsHandleObjectType

The hStdOutput field specifies the standard output handle for the process.

hStdError0..1 WindowsHandleObjectType

The hStdError field specifies the standard error handle for the process.