PESectionTypeWin Executable File Object Schema

The PESectionType type is intended as container for the properties relevant to PE binary sections. A PE Section consists of a header and data. The PESectionType contains properties that describe the Section Header and metadata computed about the section (e.g., hashes, entropy).


Field Name Type Description
Section_Header0..1 PESectionHeaderStructType

The Section_Header field contains characteristics of the section's section header structure.

Data_Hashes0..1 HashListType

The Data_Hashes field is used to include any hash values computed using the data contained in the specified PE binary section as input.

Entropy0..1 EntropyType

The Entropy field specifies the calculated entropy of the PE binary section.

Header_Hashes0..1 HashListType

The Header_Hashes field is used to include any hash values computed using the header of the specified PE binary section as input.