TermsOfUseMarkingStructureTypeTerms Of Use Marking Instance Schema

The TermsOfUseMarkingStructureType is a basic implementation of the data marking schema that allows for a string statement describing the Terms Of Use to be associated with the data being marked.

Nodes may be marked by multiple Terms Of Use Marking statements. When this occurs, all of the multiple Terms of Use Marking statements apply. Its up to the organization adding an additional Term Of User Marking statement to ensure that it's Terms Of Use does not conflict with any previously applied Terms Of Use Marking Statement.


Field Name Type Description
@marking_model_nameoptional QName

This field specifies the name of the marking model to be applied within this Marking_Structure.

@marking_model_refoptional anyURI

This field contains a reference to an authoritative source on the marking model to be applied within this Marking_Structure.

@idoptional QName

Specifies a unique ID for this Marking_Structure.

@idrefoptional QName

Specifies a reference to the ID of a Marking_Structure defined elsewhere.

When idref is specified, the id attribute must not be specified, and any instance of this Marking_Structure should not hold content.

Terms_Of_Use1..1 string

The Terms Of Use statement to apply to the structure for which the Marking is to be applied.