PackagingTypeArtifact Object Schema

The PackagingType captures any packaging layers applied to an artifact.


Field Name Type Description
@is_encryptedoptional boolean

The is_encrypted field is optional and specifies whether the Raw_Artifact content is protected/encrypted.

@is_compressedoptional boolean

The is_compressed field is optional and specifies whether the Raw_Artifact content is compressed.

Compression0..1 CompressionType

The Compression field is optional and specifies details for a compression layer applied to the content of the Raw_Artifact.

Encryption0..1 EncryptionType

The Encryption field is optional and specifies details for an encryption layer applied to the content of the Raw_Artifact.

Encoding0..1 EncodingType

The Encoding field is optional and specifies details for an encoding layer applied to the content of the Raw_Artifact.