The DNSRecordObjectType type is intended to characterize an individual DNS record.
Field Name | Type | Description |
@object_referenceoptional | QName |
The object_reference field specifies a unique ID reference to an Object defined elsewhere. This construct allows for the re-use of the defined Properties of one Object within another, without the need to embed the full Object in the location from which it is being referenced. Thus, this ID reference is intended to resolve to the Properties of the Object that it points to. |
Custom_Properties0..1 | CustomPropertiesType |
The Custom_Properties construct is optional and enables the specification of a set of custom Object Properties that may not be defined in existing Properties schemas. |
Description0..1 | StructuredTextType |
The Description field provides a mechanism to specify a structured text description of this DNS_Entry. |
Queried_Date0..1 | DateTimeObjectPropertyType |
The Queried_Date field specifies the date and time at which this DNS record was returned from a query. |
Domain_Name0..1 | URIObjectType |
The Domain_Name field specifies the name of the domain to which the DNS cache entry points. |
IP_Address0..1 | AddressObjectType |
The IP_Address field specifies the IP address to which the domain name in the DNS cache entry resolves to. |
Address_Class0..1 | StringObjectPropertyType |
The Address_Class field specifies the address class (e.g. IN, TXT, ANY, etc.) for the DNS record. |
Entry_Type0..1 | StringObjectPropertyType |
The Entry_Type field specifies the resource record type (e.g. SOA or A) for the DNS record. |
Record_Name0..1 | StringObjectPropertyType |
The Record_Name field is optional and specifies the name for the DNS record. |
Record_Type0..1 | StringObjectPropertyType |
The Record_Type field is optional and specifies the type of the DNS record. |
TTL0..1 | IntegerObjectPropertyType |
The TTL field is optional and specifies the time-to-live for the DNS record. |
Flags0..1 | HexBinaryObjectPropertyType |
The Flags field is optional and specifies the relevant flags for the DNS record. |
Data_Length0..1 | IntegerObjectPropertyType |
The Data_Length field is optional and specifies the length of raw data to be captured in the Record_Data field. |
Record_Data0..1 | anyType |
The Record_Data field is optional and enables capture and expression of the raw record data. |