Heads up! These docs are for STIX 1.1, which is not the latest version (1.2). View the latest!

STIXTypeSTIX Core Schema

STIXType defines a bundle of information characterized in the Structured Threat Information eXpression (STIX) language.


Field Name Type Description
@idoptional QName

Specifies a globally unique identifier for this STIX Package.

@idrefoptional QName

Specifies a globally unique identifier of a STIX Package specified elsewhere.

When idref is specified, the id attribute must not be specified, and any instance of this STIX Package should not hold content.

@timestampoptional dateTime

Specifies a timestamp for the definition of a specific version of a STIX Package. When used in conjunction with the id, this field is specifying the definition time for the specific version of the STIX Package. When used in conjunction with the idref, this field is specifying a reference to a specific version of a STIX Package defined elsewhere. This field has no defined semantic meaning if used in the absence of either the id or idref fields.

This field must only be used in conjunction with the idref field.

@versionoptional STIXPackageVersionEnum

Specifies the relevant STIX schema version for this content.

STIX_Header0..1 STIXHeaderType

The STIX_Header field provides information characterizing this package of STIX content.

Observables0..1 ObservablesType

Characterizes one or more cyber observables.

Indicators0..1 IndicatorsType

Characterizes one or more cyber threat Indicators.

TTPs0..1 TTPsType

Characterizes one or more cyber threat adversary Tactics, Techniques or Procedures.

Exploit_Targets0..1 ExploitTargetsType

Characterizes one or more potential targets for exploitation.

Incidents0..1 IncidentsType

Characterizes one or more cyber threat Incidents.

Courses_Of_Action0..1 CoursesOfActionType

Characterizes Courses of Action to be taken in regards to one of more cyber threats.

Campaigns0..1 CampaignsType

Characterizes one or more cyber threat Campaigns.

Threat_Actors0..1 ThreatActorsType

Characterizes one or more cyber Threat Actors.

Related_Packages0..1 RelatedPackagesType

Characterizes one or more relationships to other Packages.