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IndicatorBaseTypeSTIX Common Schema

This type represents the STIX Indicator component. It is extended using the XML Schema Extension feature by the STIX Indicator type itself. Users of this type who wish to express a full indicator using STIX must do so using the xsi:type extension feature. The STIX-defined Indicator type is IndicatorType in the http://stix.mitre.org/Indicator-1 namespace. This type is defined in the indicator.xsd file or at the URL http://stix.mitre.org/XMLSchema/indicator/1.2/indicator.xsd.

Alternatively, uses that require simply specifying an idref as a reference to an indicator defined elsewhere can do so without specifying an xsi:type.


Field Name Type Description
@idoptional QName

Specifies a unique ID for this Indicator.

@idrefoptional QName

Specifies a reference to the ID of an Indicator specified elsewhere.