The ToolInformationType represens a description of a single automated tool.
Field Name | Type | Description |
@idoptional | QName |
The id field specifies a unique ID for this Tool. |
@idrefoptional | QName |
The idref field specifies reference to a unique ID for this Tool. |
Name0..1 | string |
This field contains the name of the tool leveraged. |
Type0..n | ControlledVocabularyStringType |
This field contains the type of the tool leveraged.
This field is implemented through the xsi:type controlled vocabulary extension mechanism. No default vocabulary type has been defined for CybOX 2.0. Users may either define their own vocabulary using the type extension mechanism (by specifying a vocabulary name and/or reference using the vocab_name and vocab_reference attributes, respectively) or simply use this as a free string field. Additionally, locations where the ToolInformationType is used may define default vocabularies for this field.
Description0..1 | StructuredTextType |
This field contains general descriptive information for this tool. |
References0..1 | ToolReferencesType |
This field contains references to instances or additional information for this tool. |
Vendor0..1 | string |
This field contains information identifying the vendor organization for this tool. |
Version0..1 | string |
This field contains an appropriate version descriptor of this tool. |
Service_Pack0..1 | string |
This field contains an appropriate service pack descriptor for this tool. |
Tool_Specific_Data0..1 | ToolSpecificDataType |
This is an abstract type provided to a flexible mechanism for enabling tool-specific data to be included. |
Tool_Hashes0..1 | HashListType |
This field contains a hash value computed on the tool file content in order to verify its integrity. |
Tool_Configuration0..1 | ToolConfigurationType |
This field contains information describing the configuration and usage of the tool. |
Execution_Environment0..1 | ExecutionEnvironmentType |
This field contains information describing the execution environment of the tool. |
Errors0..1 | ErrorsType |
This field captures any errors generated during the run of the tool. |
Metadata0..n | MetadataType |
This field captures other relevant metadata including tool-specific fields. |