WhoisRegistrarInfoTypeWhois Object Schema


Field Name Type Description
Registrar_ID0..1 StringObjectPropertyType

The Registrar_ID corresponds to the Registrar ID field of a Whois entry.

Registrar_GUID0..1 StringObjectPropertyType

The Registrar_GUID corresponds to the Registrar GUID field of a Whois entry.

Name0..1 StringObjectPropertyType

The Name field holds the name of the registrar organization.

Address0..1 StringObjectPropertyType

The Address field holds the address (location) of the registrar organization.

Email_Address0..1 AddressObjectType

The main email address for the registrar.

Phone_Number0..1 StringObjectPropertyType

The Phone_Number field holds the phone number of the registrar organization.

Whois_Server0..1 URIObjectType

The Whois_Server field specifies the corresponding whois server for this registrar.

Referral_URL0..1 URIObjectType

The Referral_URL field specifies the corresponding referral URL for registrar.

Contacts0..1 WhoisContactsType

A list of registrar contacts.