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TimeTypeCybOX Common Schema

The TimeType specifies various time properties for this construct.


Field Name Type Description
Start_Time0..1 DateTimeWithPrecisionType

The Start_Time field is optional and describes the starting time for this construct. In order to avoid ambiguity, it is strongly suggest that all timestamps in this field include a specification of the timezone if it is known.

End_Time0..1 DateTimeWithPrecisionType

The End_Time field is optional and describes the ending time for this construct. In order to avoid ambiguity, it is strongly suggest that all timestamps in this field include a specification of the timezone if it is known.

Produced_Time0..1 DateTimeWithPrecisionType

The Produced_Time field is optional and describes the time that this construct was produced. In order to avoid ambiguity, it is strongly suggest that all timestamps in this field include a specification of the timezone if it is known.

Received_Time0..1 DateTimeWithPrecisionType

The Received_Time field is optional and describes the time that this construct was received. In order to avoid ambiguity, it is strongly suggest that all timestamps in this field include a specification of the timezone if it is known.