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AssetTypeTypeIncident Schema


Field Name Type Description
@vocab_nameoptional string

The vocab_name field specifies the name of the controlled vocabulary.

@vocab_referenceoptional anyURI

The vocab_reference field specifies the URI to the location of where the controlled vocabulary is defined, e.g., in an externally located XML schema file.


This field specifies the number of assets of this type affected.

This field is implemented through the xsi:type controlled vocabulary extension mechanism. The default vocabulary type is AssetTypeVocab-1.0 in the http://stix.mitre.org/default_vocabularies-1 namespace. This type is defined in the stix_default_vocabularies.xsd file or at the URL http://stix.mitre.org/XMLSchema/default_vocabularies/1.0.1/stix_default_vocabularies.xsd .

Users may also define their own vocabulary using the type extension mechanism, specify a vocabulary name and reference using the attributes, or simply use this as a string field.